The Judicial Conference Policy was recently changed to restrict access to all documents filed in any case that was opened prior to December 1, 2003, and closed for at least one year. In order to comply with the policy, which prohibits the disclosure of an individual's full social security number, the court implemented CM/ECF Version 4.1. Effective November 7, 2011, restrictions were automatically placed on all documents including claims. The Judicial Conference approved the following exceptions to the PACER access restrictions :
- The docket sheets and docket information remain available to the general public via PACER.
- Any party who had filed a notice of appearance in an individual case prior to the court's implementation of CM/ECF Version 4.1 will have CM/ECF System or PACER access to all filings in that case.
- All documents in such cases will remain accessible at the Clerk's Offices, except those under seal.
- Access to documents in bankruptcy case appeals filed in the District Court, Bankruptcy Appellate Panel, or Courts of Appeals for bankruptcy cases filed before December 1, 2003, will be similarly restricted.
NOTE : Although the docket report can still be viewed, document access is limited and anyone who is NOT a case participant or using a public terminal at the Courthouse will receive the following message: "The document is not available."
Copies of documents on closed or open cases filed prior to the enactment of this policy can be obtained in person at the Clerk's Office or by submitting a written request by mail accompanied by a completed Application for Search of Bankruptcy Records. For more information with regards to court fees and charges please review :