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Motions for Pro Hac Vice Admission to Practice

For your convenience, a sample Notice of Motion, Affirmation in Support of Motion, and Order are available on the Court’s Forms Page. These documents will be found under “Pro Hac Vice Admission.”

Procedures and requirements for pro hac vice admission of attorneys are set forth in E.D.N.Y. Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b). A certificate of good standing issued within 30 days from each court in which the applicant is a member is required.

All motions for pro hac vice admission to practice should be filed in the Bankruptcy Court.

Attorney admission fee payable to the “Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court” is required. See fee schedule located under Forms and Fees.

All attorneys are reminded of their duty to verify the bar admission status of any attorney they are sponsoring on a pro hac vice basis.