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Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediation

A mediation program, established to assist in the resolution of disputes within bankruptcy proceedings, is now operational in the Eastern District of New York.

Mediation Register

Adoption of Pro Bono Mediation Pilot Program and Procedures

Pro Bono Mediation Program Assignment Registry

Press Release

Application for Inclusion on Mediation Register (Lawyers) - Interactive Form

Application for Inclusion on Mediation Register (Non-Lawyer Professionals) - Interactive Form

Application for Five-Year Renewal of Appointment (Lawyers) - Interactive Form

Application for Five-Year Renewal of Appointment (Non-Lawyer Professionals) - Interactive Form

Local Rule 9019-1: Alternative Dispute Resolution - Mediation (excerpted from Local Bankruptcy Rules for the Eastern District of New York Effective December 1, 2009)

Applications for inclusion on the mediation register should be submitted to:

Shermaine Y. Sanders
United States Bankruptcy Court
271-C Cadman Plaza East, Suite 1595
Brooklyn, New York 11201-1800