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News & Announcements: November, 2017

Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.

Mon, 11/20/2017

Brooklyn Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project and Brooklyn Bar Association Pro Bono Committee present

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Briefing: How to Use the New Form  
Wednesday, December 6...

Fri, 11/17/2017

Due to a system upgrade, CM/ECF will be unavailable for docketing and querying purposes on Thursday, November 30, 2017, from 4:00 PM until 11:30 PM to allow court personnel to apply the necessary upgrades to the system. .  The Voice Case...

Thu, 11/16/2017

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York will be closed Thursday, November 23 and Friday, November 24; Monday, December 25, and Monday, January 1, 2017.

Please note that the Court will close at 3:00 PM on...