Individuals are strongly encouraged to obtain the services of competent legal counsel. Even if you cannot afford to pay an attorney, you may qualify for free legal services. For information pro bono legal services or about hiring an attorney, please see below.
Pro Bono Legal Services :
Free Legal Assistance for Chapter 7 Debtors
Local, well-respected organizations and bar associations that provide free legal assistance to qualified individuals who want to file for Chapter 7.
Foreclosure Prevention Resources
Organizations listed by borough and county that can assist and advise individuals about keeping their homes.
Online Pro Bono Locator Sites :
A comprehensive website that allows people to search for pro bono legal help by area as well as legal issue.
ABI Bankruptcy Resource Guide
Bankruptcy specific resource locator maintained by the American Bankruptcy Institute. You can find free and paid bankruptcy attorneys and organizations listed by area as well as general information about bankruptcy.
Attorney Referrals :
Local Bar Association Referral Lines
The bar associations in each borough and county maintain lists of attorneys experienced in both individual and corporate bankruptcy. The bar associations can recommend and refer attorneys and law firms suited for your needs.
Pro Se Office at the Bankruptcy Court :
Pro Se Law Clerk, Bankruptcy Court, E.D.N.Y |
The Pro Se Law Clerk is available by phone and by email to answer general and procedural questions about bankruptcy, clarify the process to file for bankruptcy, and provide procedural guidance to pro se parties needing to take actions such as filing motions, answers, proofs of claim, etc. |