If you do not have any attorney, and you are filing or are involved in a bankruptcy case in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York, you may get information in person or by phone about the bankruptcy process and about filing requirements from the Pro Se Attorney’s Office.
You may be able to get help with questions like:
Legal advice cannot be provided. Should you need representation, referrals can be made to a Legal Services Provider or to a Bar Association Legal Referral Service. Bankruptcy has long-term financial consequences, and it is strongly recommended that you be represented by an attorney.
(Schedule may periodically change without notice: Please call before visiting either office.)
Pro Se Law Clerk Monday and Friday Location United States Bankruptcy Court |
Pro Se Law Clerk Wednesday Location United States Bankruptcy Court |
Please call the Pro Se Office at (347) 394-1738 to
confirm the above office hours or to get assistance by phone.
The Pro Se Attorney may answer questions about bankruptcy forms, schedules and procedure, but CANNOT prepare your petition or forms for you. The Pro Se Attorney is employed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and can only provide administrative and procedural information to self-represented litigants.