(Before Filing)
Step 1 : |
Mandatory Credit Counseling Individual debtors must obtain bankruptcy credit counseling within 180 days before filing. This must be done either by phone or online. When completed, the agency will mail or email a certificate of completion to you, which MUST be filed with your bankruptcy papers. Complete list of approved credit counseling agencies.
Step 2 : |
Money Order or Certified Check ONLY Emergency Filing Packet (Individual Ch. 7, 13, or 11) |
Step 3 : |
Filing your Case “Filing” a case means that you submit it to the Court to be processed and opened. Once opened, you will receive a case number. Filing options for pro se debtors include:
*Current government issued photo I.D. of the debtor and anyone filing the case for the debtor must be presented at the time of filing. |
More Information for Debtors: