Bankruptcy courts across the country have implemented a new automated telephone system for providing free basic case information to callers called McVCIS (Multi-Court Voice Case Information System). Las personas que llaman pueden escuchar los casos en espanol.
The public may call 1-866-222-8029 with a touchtone telephone 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to obtain the most requested information about filed bankruptcy cases. Once dialed in, you will be prompted to say the bankruptcy court district you are seeking or dial a code for the court.
Once dialed in please listen carefully to instructions on using the system :
- press 2 for Spanish
- you will be prompted to say the state of the bankruptcy court and the name of the district you are seeking or press the # key to hear a listing of available courts.
- for instructions press 1, or say 'help'
- to search by case number, press 2 or 'case number'
- to search by a participant’s name, press 3 or say 'name'
- to search by a debtor’s social security or tax ID number, press 4 or say 'social security'
General Information Available :
- Case number;
- Name(s) of debtor(s), or principal party(ies);
- Date the case was filed, whether a voluntary or involuntary petition was filed, and the chapter under which the petition was filed;
- Name and phone number of the debtor’s attorney;
- Trustee’s name;
- Name of the assigned Judge;
- Discharge and closing dates;
- Whether there are assets in the case;
- 341(a) meeting date, time, and location;
- Case status; and
- Case disposition.