What will I need to start the process online?
After you have decided that Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is the appropriate bankruptcy chapter for you (see Learn About Bankruptcy), and you have obtained credit counseling from a court-approved credit counseling agency, you should review the eSR Checklist to make sure that you will have all the information you need to complete the bankruptcy forms online using eSR.
How do I begin?
Click eSR PROGRAM LINK and create a user profile, provide an email address (this will also serve as your login ID), and create a password for eSR.
Do I have to answer all the questions – even if I don't own any property?
Yes! You must respond to ALL questions presented, which will cover topics such as property you own, your household income, and debts. There are 2 types of property: "Real Property" such as a home or vacant land; and "Personal Property" such as furniture, electronics, and jewelry. Some questions will require you to list your creditors. When adding names of creditors MAKE SURE to include their addresses.
Am I officially in bankruptcy after clicking the "Submit" button?
YES, as long as you have fully completed the petition. Only click "Submit" if you are 100% certain that you are ready to file for bankruptcy.
How do I receive email notification of my case being opened?
By submitting your petition through eSR, you have consented to receive certain notices from the court electronically through Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN).
What if I can't open the attachments in the confirmation email? Where can I get the forms attached?
The forms can be found on the court's website.
How can I print or view my completed bankruptcy petition package?
You can view or print your bankruptcy petition package as it was submitted by logging into the Electronic Self Representation site and selecting "6: Petition Package."